Adult Day Program virtual platform Success!

Friday, June 25th, 2021 | admin

Participants enjoyed the same activities while learning about virtual social skills and how to use technology as an alternate communication tool.

Community Connections Life’s programming remained vibrant and varied with their specially developed “Zoom TV”.

Tuesdays brought us Lit TV where team member Terri Headington joined us from England. The writings of legendary authors such as Jack London, O’Henry and Rudyard Kipling were read and discussed with great fanfare. The Cooking Show gave clients the opportunity to present their dishes as they do on every cooking channel we see today. Total Body Fitness developed by “Les the Best” was offered each day. Participants were encouraged to stay strong, speak positively and connect with peers through heart and mind. Yoga with The CLC Group’s Residential Director Allison was featured each Thursday. Today’s Bizarre focused the study of materials needed to make the crafts that would be sold at the Craft Bizarre. Other channels included Travel TV, Music Television & Biz TV.

Last, but not least was the innovative Happy Chat Show, an interview style talk show. You may or may not know all the prize-winning people they had on, but they included an autistic woman who single handedly transformed the cattle industry, Billboard’s #1 hit musicians, U.S & British politicians and an author with Cerebral Palsy who writes fantasy stories about disabled people with special abilities.

Through therapeutic equine and animal activities such as learning unmounted horsemanship skills and caring for our goats and chickens, Winslow’s participants learned about the importance of building a bond with their animals which helps to build sequencing skills, learn to care for others, and development of verbal and non-verbal skills. Daily participation also included activities that encourage a healthy lifestyle including cooking classes, gardening, as well as light exercise, meditation, journaling, and positive thoughts to help cope with the stress of staying indoors all day.

How do I get started?

Call us or email to schedule a time to speak with us.